Neptune Protocol Introduction
Neptune Protocol allows users to mint USDN, a stablecoin soft-pegged to the US dollar. USDN is minted on flexible terms and gives users instant access to the Eclipse ecosystem.
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Neptune allows users to take out 0% interest loans for a one-time fee by depositing collateral for USDN. Users can take out a loan with USDN and deposit their collateral here:
Accepted collateral types include: ETH, tETH, SOL, ezSOL, jitoSOL, TIA and stTIA
Users are incentivized to keep their collateral-to-debt ratio above 110% to avoid liquidation. When an undercollateralized vault is liquidated, users who have deposited USDN in a stability pool are returned discounted collateral as a reward. USDN is always redeemable for its underlying value, but a fee ensures the protocol is impacted infrequently. Neptune protocol is based on Hedge.
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