Vault Types
What vault types does Neptune offer?
Before onboarding new vault types, the Neptune community will carefully assess the risks of each collateral (e.g. liquidity & volatility) and set the parameters for the vault.
Users can manager their vaults here:
For each vault there exists various parameters including:
Collateral Token: this is the collateral that the Neptune protocol will accept in the vault to mint USDN.
Minimum Collateral Ratio (MCR): This is the minimum collateral ratio a vault must maintain before be liquidated.
Recovery Mode Collateral Ratio (RMCR): This is the minimum amount that the Vault Type must be collateralised by before entering Recovery Mode and enabling the liquidation of vaults under this collateral ratio.
Minimum Debt: This is the minimum debt that must be extended against an individual vault type to be opened.
Maximum Debt against Vault Type: This is the total debt against a Vault Type that can be extended. This is used to avoid having too much debt set against a certain type of collateral.
Interest Rate: If set to a value other than 0, the vault will accumulate interest over time.
Initialization Fee: This is the fee taken during loan initiation.
Redeemability: Whether the vault can have collateral redeemed to keep USDN peg. Only the lowest collateral ratio vault for each Vault Type may be redeemed against.
Oracle: The oracle price feeds used for this Vault Type.
Neptune Protocol currently supports: $ETH $tETH $SOL $ezSOL $jitoSOL $TIA $stTIA
Last updated